Of the twenty-six (26) cooperatives all but four (4) furnished
fairly complete information. And though relatively
speaking the 9.8% African-American representation in
governance is better than many even compared to almost
one-third non-white population, much of this is to the
credit of the cooperatives in Pee Dee where one-third of the seats are
held by African-Americans and Roanoke, which stands along in all of
the twelve (12) Southern states as the only rural electric cooperative controlled by a racial minority with six (6) of the nine
(9) seats held by African-Americans. Men hold 87.7% of the seats to the 13.3% held by women in North Carolina where
48.7% of the population is male, and 51.3% is female.
Albemarle Electric Membership Corporation
Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation
Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation
Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative
Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative
Central Electric Membership Corporation
Edgecombe-Martin County Electric Membership Corporation
Four County Electric Membership Corporation
French Broad Electric Membership Corporation
Halifax Electric Membership Corporation
Haywood Electric Membership Corporation
Jones-Onslow Electric Membership Corporation
Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative
Pee Dee Electric Membership Corporation
Piedmont Electric Membership Corporation
Pitt & Greene Electric Membership Corporation
Randolph Electric Membership Corporation
Roanoke Electric Cooperative
Rutherford Electric Membership Corporation
South River Electric Membership Corporation
Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation
Tideland Electric Membership Corporation
Tri-County Electric Membership Corporation
Union Power Cooperative
Wake Electric Membership Corporation